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Mortgage Rule Change Update

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Important Mortgage Rule Change Update: FICOM will not be making changes to it’s lending guidelines, which means that provincially regulated credit unions, such as Island Savings and Coastal Community Credit Union, will not have to adopt the new mortgage rule changes come January 1st, 2018. Find out how this can affect the approval of your early mortgage renewal application by contacting a mortgage expert today.

Previous Articles

3 Tips to Take Advantage of the BoC Rate Cut

First, some honest feedback from one of my loyal clients: “Hi David. Your photo needs an upgrade. Lol, my 18 yo son said you look so stressed. Please and thank you. I read your articles and I appreciate all your efforts”. It’s good to know that my clients can be honest with me and care […]

Mortgage Memo – Friday February 14th

Full blogpost this weekend to your email! If you missed the last mortgage memo, two weeks ago, here’s the link! Lots of good conversation in this weekends edition, out Saturday or Sunday. Snippets below! Sorry for my slowness in getting “mortgage memo” out. It’s been a crazy few weeks! Current Mortgage Rates Insured/Insurable: Variable 5 […]

No matter where you are in the buying process, its always the right time to setup a call with a mortgage specialist!
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